Nourishing Mind, Body & Spirit

Spirituality Broadly Defined

You are invited to experience New Expressions of spiritual life from a variety of traditions. 

At DCC, we provide a full array of opportunities to explore spirituality through the practice of meditation, classes in dreamwork, Centering Prayer, Bible study, yoga, art, music, personal growth, spiritual direction, Reiki, and other ways to enhance personal well-being through body, mind and spirit.

It is our mission to welcome all. While many offerings and classes are free, some have a fee. A portion of the fees charged go directly to support DCC. Cost is never a barrier. You are invited to pay what you find to be affordable. You are also invited to "pay it forward" with a donation to the Scholarship Fund, as you are able. 

Offerings and classes for Body, Mind & Spirit


  • The Color Of Compromise

    Book Study led by Reverend Stephanie Milton
    Reverend Stephanie Milton will guest preach and lead a three week book study based on Jemar Tisby’s book "The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church's Complicity in Racism". Please join us for this exciting series.

    In the DCC Library and Zoom, March 2 and 9, noon - 1:30. March 16, 9-10 am.
    Contact the office for the Zoom link.

    Tisby's The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church's Complicity in Racism sheds light on the history of racism within the American church and challenges readers to confront this uncomfortable truth. Through meticulous research and analysis, Tisby provides a compelling narrative that underscores the urgent need for the church to actively work towards racial justice and reconciliation. The book traces the origin and perpetuation of racism in Christianity from Columbus' invasion of the Americas through the current era in the United States. We'll delve into the ways in which the church has been complicit in upholding systems of oppression and discrimination, ultimately calling for a transformation towards a more inclusive and equitable faith community.
    Rev. Stephanie Milton believes that the church can be a place of healing and transformation, individually and within the community. The sacraments, spiritual development, and worship experience are vital to congregational life. Rev. Stephanie is a fifth-year doctoral candidate at the University of California, Davis, specializing in African American religion and healthcare. She holds a Master of Arts in Political Science from Washington University in St. Louis, and a Master of Divinity from Candler School of Theology at Emory University. Her research interests include the confluence between religion and health, the impact of spiritual and moral harm, and decolonial feminist theology. Ordained in the United Church of Christ, Rev. Stephanie has worked in diverse communities, including sex and gender equity education in higher education,
    advocating against intimate partner violence, and providing spiritual care to veterans.

  • Lenten Book Study

    The Spirituality of Imperfection: Storytelling and the Search for Meaning by Ernest Kurtz and Katherine Ketcham.

    The Spirituality Of Imperfection brings together stories from many spiritual and philosophical paths, weaving past traditions into a spirituality that works today. It speaks to anyone who yearns to find meaning within suffering. Inside this remarkable book you will find a new way of thinking, a way of living that enables a truly human existence.

    Book Purchase: The Avid Reader price for the book is $20.00; there are cheaper, albeit used, copies of the book available via Abe Books and 
    Book Groups: You can sign up to join a 4-session group study in the Narthex before or after our Sunday service or by using this Google Form.

    Below are the book study groups with the date of the first meeting in parentheses.

    1. Pastor Wes, Sundays, 12 p.m. DCC Library (March 23)
    2. Alf Brandt: Mondays, DCC library, 7 p.m. (March 24)
    3. Cynthia Gerber: Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. at her home (March 25)
    4. Deborah Luthi, 1st and 3rd Weds, 6-7 p.m. via Zoom (March 19)
    5. Jewel Payne, Thursdays, 10:30 a.m., at the URC (March 27)  

    If you have questions or would like to lead an additional book group, email Brad or Vai

  • Here Together:  to Listen, Support & Navigate Uncertain times

    Here Together is a safe space that encourages active listening, meaningful dialogue and reflection -- a circle for sharing feelings, thoughts, and life challenges without judgment. Participating in this small group helps strengthen our resilience by encouragement and connection, especially when we are navigating tough times.

    You are welcome to attend on a drop-in basis. 

    Facilitated by Joe Yun, Jennifer Terra & Elizabeth Fulmer

    Tea provided. 

    Sundays: March 30, April 27 & May 25, 2025. 3-4:15 p.m.
    Fireside Room, 412 C Street

  • Davis Death Cafe

    Monthly on the first Monday

    Feb 3, Mar 3, April 7, May 5  2025

    10-11:15 a.m.

    Fireside Room

    Join the conversation!  We gather monthly to increase awareness of death with a view toward helping people make the most of life. The gathering is a simple time of conversation - no agenda, just a relaxed place to speak about death.

    Free of charge. No registration required. 

    (This is NOT a grief support group.)

    We DO provide tea and cake! Bring your own mug. 

  • Sacred Space contemplatiVe Gathering

    Second Sundays

    February 9, March 9, April 13, May 11,  2025

    9-9:30 a.m.

    DCC Sanctuary, 412 C Street

    Welcome to Sacred Space!  

    A meditative gathering offering space to simply be.  Light a candle if you wish, breathe, and let yourself come into the calm.

    Enjoy tea and refreshments after.


  • NEW! Parent Cafe

    Conversation, Community & Coffee

    First Thursdays
    February 6, March 6, April 3, May 1
    From 9-10:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room

    RSVP for childcare:

    This new offering will gather monthly - a place for parents of young children to have conversation and relax with other parents. 

    Coffee, tea and delightful refreshments are provided, as well as free childcare provided onsite by the fun and professional DCCNS staff.

  • 1st Sunday Reiki Circle

    First Sunday of each month

    By appt: 1 pm, 1:45 & 2:30

    Hosted by Elizabeth Fulmer, RMT with a team of local Reiki practitioners

    $25, sliding scale available

    Sessions offered in a gentle, semi-private gathering. Reiki is offered with gentle hand placements on or above the body on a massage table. (You only remove your shoes!)  Experience a sense of balance, relaxation and calm.

    reserve your appointment here

  • two Creative writing groups

    Receive a writing prompt....Reflect....Write....Share as much as you like. 

    First Sunday, 2:30 to 4p.m. in the DCC Library and via Zoom

    Drop in or contact the office for Zoom information. 

    First Wednesday, 10-11:30 a.m. via Zoom

    Please email Martha Teeter,, to be added to a monthly email containing Zoom information.

  • Davis Line DAncing cooperative

    Second Sundays: 3-4:30p.m. 


    Fridays: 3-4:30 p.m.

    Fellowship Hall

    by donation

    Live longer! Line dancing is fun, great exercise and provides a social connection! We welcome newcomers and begin each event with dances for beginners. Drop in as your schedule allows!

  • online: Yoga Sutra Seated Meditation

    Mondays at 9 am on zoom

    Breath practice seated meditation with small movements, for adults including seniors. We use yoga philosophy texts as a foundation for reflections, with simple, comfortable movements, seated, standing or lying down. No previous experience, or preparation is necessary. All you need is a quiet corner and a device (phone or computer) connected to the internet.

    If you would like to join us, e-mail Grazia Jaroff ( for the link invitation.
    Free of charge; donations go directly to DCC.

    Facilitator: Grazia Jaroff

  • Community Reiki Clinic

    Second Mondays by appointment (11 am, noon, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm)
    Offered by Regis Ducatillon, Elizabeth Fulmer, Alice VanAlstine
    Fireside Room
    412 C Street
    $35, sliding scale available

    Clinic sessions provide individual half-hour sessions offered for two or three participants by appointment. Sessions offered on massage table (fully clothed) or seated in a lovely environment.

    Reserve your session here

  • Caregiver Reflection Group

    3rd Mondays

    10 -11:15 a.m.

    The Gallery

    Ae you caring, or anticipating caring, for a family member or friend?
    Come reflect and connect in a compassionate community.

    $75 /3 month series, sliding scale available

    Limited to 8 participants   

    Questions? Email

  • Centering Prayer

    Two options for Centering Prayer at Davis Community Church:

    • Tuesdays at 9-10 a.m.,  Fireside Room
    • Wednesdays at 8-9 a.m., online via Zoom

    Centering Prayer is a practice of silent prayer and meditation based on the contemplative practices of early Christians. The groups enjoy two readings, taken from a variety of faith and wisdom traditions, followed by two periods of silent meditation. The sessions end with the John Philip Newell version of the Lord’s Prayer and a brief discussion.

    Should you wish to join the Zoom group, just contact the church office for more information. 

    All are welcome! We all learn as we go!

  • C Street ukulele band

    Tuesdays @ 11 a.m.

    Music Room

    The C Street Ukulele Band welcomes uke players and singers of all ages, all levels, to share the joys of ukulele and song! 

    Please contact: Lynn DeLapp,  
    Karen Johns: or
        Barbara Greene:

  • Davis Meditation Satsang

    First Tuesday of each month
    5-7 p.m.
    Fireside Room

    Join us for spiritual reading and 30 minutes of meditation!  We meet every Tuesday from 5-6:30pm, either in-person or on zoom.  Please email or  call (530) 753-2894 to contact Bob Fung or Diana Kado for more information.

  • Wednesday meditation & Prayer Gathering

    Wednesdays, 11:50 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

    A mid-day time to refresh with prayer and silent meditation. All are welcome!

    By phone: 1 669 900 6833
  • Davis Kirtan

    Wednesdays, 6-7:30 p.m.

    Fireside Room

    by donation

    Discover the peace of hearing and chanting sacred mantras. Kirtan, the ancient practice of chanting, relieves the mind and heart of fear and anxiety and allows us to fully taste the nectar of spiritual love. Enter into an atmosphere of non-judgement and let your worries melt away. Learn easy techniques also that you can practice on your own at home. Our sessions are for everyone and beginners are welcome. No experience necessary. 

  • Joy in the Journey

    First Thursdays
    6:30 - 8 p.m.

    Online via Zoom

    The Women’s Circle includes a gentle invitation for women to explore, reflect, and share our authentic inner experience. We hold space for one another and listen deeply from the heart.  Reflection, sharing and community.  For details, email Elizabeth Fulmer

    Limited to 6 participants, 6-month series.

    $90/series, sliding scale available

    Sign up here

  • Tai Ji with DR. G


    Jan 16 & 23  
    Fireside Room, 10 a.m.

    $15 per class, sliding scale available

    Tai Ji (aka Tai Chi) is an ancient Chinese form of moving meditation.

       *Relaxes the body with gentle stretches, loosens joints
       *Silences the busy mind, and uplifts heart and spirit

       *Helps with balance and overall ease and well being

    Learn the practice of Tai Ji on selected Thursdays. This class is intended for women & men of all ages especially those dealing with stressful circumstances, and/or physical ailments.

    Instructor:  Dr. Gitane, Ph.D., long time Tai Ji practitioner and teacher


  • Reiki Sessions

    Individual Sessions in The Gallery with Elizabeth Fulmer, RMT, SD

    Fridays and selected Sundays by appointment

    $90, sliding scale

    Allow 75 min for your appointment

    A Reiki sessions is offered with gentle, meditative hand placements on or just above your body to promote balance and healing.  You remove only your shoes and receive your session on a relaxing massage table.


    Online Payment

  • Bienestar en la palma de tu mano

    Wellness in the Palm of Your Hand - Reiki sessions with Jazmin Diaz

    1st & 3rd Saturday of each month

    10 a.m.-1 p.m., by appointment

    The Gallery

    Suggested: $35, 30-minute appt. 

    Contact Jazmin Diaz to sign up. 

  • Contemplative Companioning

    Need a regular time of sacred space?  Individual Spiritual Direction sessions provide you with a time to listen deeply and explore your life while being held in spacious support. 

    Contemplative Companioning offers you a space where you can explore and discover the deeper currents of your life.  It is a time of sanctuary – a practice of slowing down and listening deeply with intention, focus and companionship. In-person sessions are offered 412 C Street or by Zoom throughout the week by mutual arrangement. 
    Spiritual Directors have received their training through Mercy Center & Bread of Life and include Elizabeth Fulmer, Jennifer Terra and Joe Yun. 

    to find out more, click here