Music Ministry


Davis Community Church's Music Ministry has a long history. We understand and appreciate the beauty of our early sacred compositions through to anthems being written today. Our ensembles contribute to the spiritual growth and connection of our community and participate regularly from September to early June in our Sunday services. We also recognize the power of music as a tool for justice and change. No auditions are necessary to participate. Please contact Emma for more information.

Minister of Music - Emma Turnbull

  • Chancel Choir

    Thursdays 7:15-9PM

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  • worship Band Thursdays 6-7pm

    The Worship Band leads our services throughout the year. The group is made up of singers and instrumentalists who play a mixture of traditional and contemporary hymns and songs for our worship services. They meet all year round.

  • bell choir

    Wednesdays 7-8:30pm

    Directed by Rev. Deb Grundman, the bell choir presents worship music on five octaves of English handbells, along with hand chime instruments. A range of styles is offered, from prayer to praise, to lend support to one's experience of worship. In addition to playing monthly, the bell choir plays for the Christmas and Spring concerts given by the entire music program. The bell choir is active from September through June.

  • c street Ukulele Band

    Tuesdays 11am

    The C Street Ukulele Band welcomes uke players and singers of all ages, all levels, to share the joys of ukulele and song. They meet during the school year September - June.
    For more info, contact: Lynn DeLapp, Karen Johns or Barbara Greene