ways to serve
Adult formation
Adult Formation Ministry helps adults both in our congregation and in
the wider Davis Community who long for opportunities to learn about the
beliefs and traditions of Christianity and ways that they might deepen
their own spiritual journeys. We create experiences to deepen our
understanding of community making us better able to respond to Jesus’
command to “love our neighbors.” The Ministry welcomes all eager
learners to join us, especially those who have interest or experience in
21st Century learning techniques!
Buildings & grounds
The folks who fix stuff
Buildings and Grounds Ministry is both very visible and very fun. As the condition of the property is one of the first things anyone notices when visiting DCC, we feel that a beautiful presentation of the campus helps folks prepare themselves to embrace God. Do you fancy yourself as being handy around the house? Do you enjoy working with landscaping? Or maybe your talents are more interior based? We do work hard, but we also have lots of fun, and we would enjoy having you connect with us as we care for our campus.
Family Ministry
the folks who care for kids and Teens
The Family Ministry of DCC seeks to create a loving, safe, supportive community that fully engages our children, teens, and families, encouraging them to grow in their Christian faith and to experience and express God’s love to others. Are you feeling called to help create this community for our families by teaching Sunday School? Or volunteering with the youth? Or maybe by planning family activities, organizing childcare, or keeping us connected to the greater population of DCC? If so, please join us!
Community Life
you have the gift of Hospitality? We’re the ministry that makes fun
gatherings happen! Opportunities for social interaction, such as meals,
coffee hour, small group gatherings, special celebrations, and fun
activities help us get to know each other better. The mission of the
Ministry of Community Life is to encourage fellowship and community for
our congregation and our neighbors and friends who join us for worship
and more. If you would like to be involved in making fun times and
genuine fellowship happen, please consider joining us, either as a
ministry member or to help with specific tasks and events.
New Expressions
The New Expressions Ministry of DCC provides, and partners with, diverse programs that offer welcoming community, meaningful engagement and spiritual deepening. New Expressions practices outreach and forms community partnerships with groups consistent with our mission and vision. Programs vary widely including art, Centering Prayer, Yoga, SoulCollage@, Reiki, Meditation, Spiritual Direction, Death Cafe and more.
Want to find out more, or come to a NE dinner meeting? Please contact co-chairs Jennifer Terra or Elizabeth Fulmer by clicking the contact button below.
Want to read the recent NE Meeting Minutes? click HERE
Compassion, Peace, and Justice
THe folks who have a heart for justice
The Ministry of Compassion, Peace, and Justice (or CPJ as we like to call it) oversees and promotes
the response of our church community to
God’s calling to be a missional church in our community. This includes involvement in the work
of the Presbyterian Church (USA) both nationally and globally, wherever
God is leading, to promote peace, justice, and caring for our neighbor
in need. CPJ oversees and supports mission work based at,
or directly connected to, DCC such as Cal Aggie Christian Association and use of the Deacons Fund. We also support and promote other faith-based, non-profit, and
interfaith endeavors such as Heifer Project and Yolo
Interfaith Immigration Network.
Congregational Care
the folks who like to care
financial support
the folks who keep the books
Financial Support Ministry provides budget recommendations to session.
Their stewardship of the generous gifts and pledges received help us
carry out the mission and vision of DCC. Two responsibilities of
Financial Support Ministry, planned giving and the building of
endowments, help provide for the long-term sustainability of the
church. If you feel called to help in any of these areas of service,
you will be warmly welcomed into this ministry.
Worship Ministry
The Sunday Experience
Sunday Worship provides an opportunity to grow closer to God through community. It takes a village and there are many parts of worship where you can participate and grow.
Share your musical talents and gifts with the Music Ministry. Share God’s word as a Lay Liturgist. Blossom in the Flower Guild. Interested in technology? The Tech Team will train you to help with our live stream, cameras and audio. Do you enjoy meeting people? That’s just what Ushers do. Learn to prepare or serve Communion once a month. There's a place here for you!