Prime Time Kickoff Lunch
Event Details

Sun, Sep 15th

12pm - 2pm

Fellowship Hall

Davis Community Church
412 C Street
Davis, CA 95618

Prime Time is a fellowship group for those newly retired, nearly retired or fully retired. We meet in small groups, 8-10 people, throughout the academic year for a meal, typically lunch or dinner at a restaurant or church, or a meal at someone’s home. Our Fall kick off will be a potluck luncheon on Sunday, September 15 after church in the Fireside Room. Please bring a salad to share- drinks, plates, cups and utensils will be provided. If you are not yet a member of Prime Time, please e-mail the hosts to be included. Please RSVP to Kathy Tyzzer
Event Details

Sun, Sep 15th

12pm - 2pm

Fellowship Hall

Davis Community Church
412 C Street
Davis, CA 95618